Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wow!  I leave town for a few days and Matt (M.R. Concrete) and his crew go to work and finish the foundation (rubble trench w/grade beam).  It is not the kind of foundation you see very often but has distinct advantages over the conventional foundation.  The grade beam uses about 1/3 the cement of the conventional footing/stem wall approach.  It rests on a compacted base of crushed rock permitting better drainage and eliminates up-lift from the shrinking and expanding of soil.  More commonly used on rammed earth homes, it makes a nice footing for adobe as well.  Did I mention that it also costs less?!
Matt lives and builds in Santa Fe County and has a long history of quality and dependability.  If you want the area's best concrete firm to work on your project call: Matt Rischer, M.R. Concrete, 505-286-1070.

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