Now that the adobes are made and stacked, we can begin the real building. Dan, from Plumbing Express, is up first. Since the rubble trench footing can't be disturbed once it is in, the underground work has to be done first. Somehow Dan figured out where all the pipes, drains, etc., are supposed to go (including the supply lines for under-floor radiant heating) before the foundation or floors are in. That's just one reason why he is the best. See that little blue label on one of the pipes? That is our signed inspection ticket. All is approved and ready for the next step.

Now that Dan has finished with his magic and the inspector has approved it, Matt, M.R. Concrete, came in to dig the trenches, compact the rubble (crushed rock) and pour the grade beam or foundation. Check back later for a report on the foundation work.
If you are in the Santa Fe County area and would like the best plumbing contractor working on your project you can phone Dan Creager, Plumbing Express, 505-286-3637, or email him at:
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