Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Walls - Day 2

The beautiful adobe walls are starting to show their character. The first coarse is made up of cement stabilized adobes, according to the Santa Fe County Adobe building code, but each coarse thereafter is made of natural adobes, i.e., dirt. Each block is melted to the next with a slather of mud. When dry all of the adobe walls are like one solid slab of earth. If the owner, that's me, had delivered the window and door bucks (4"x10" rough cut timbers) in time we would see them installed as the walls grow. However, the timber is coming in three days so, until then, we will build around their absence.
Poor Lorraine, the floor lady, after enjoying the piece and quiet of our home site all to herself for a week, now must work around the adobe crew of 9. Now only the very early morning hours and late evenings are hers alone.  But she is very thankful the adobe crew put down plastic sheets to protect her beautiful brick floor.  The light colored brick shown is the brick she has crafted this morning, not exposed to the overnight rain.

1 comment:

  1. This is really a cool home. Can I ask how you got the inspiration for this style of house. Where did you come into contact with all the parties involved?
